If you envision a new role at some point in 2021, please reach to any of us today. From our vantage point, Q1 of 2021 is well underway and interviews are being set up this week through EOY and in to January – don’t hesitate! A small sampling for this week: Dir/Sr Dir of Reg […]
With companies like Beigene pioneering the road for intercontinental operations, a new trend has emerged – overseas biotechs, particularly many Chinese based companies, are growing US based satellite offices and tapping into local talent. Though the cost of labor is exponentially higher, the US market and approval process may outweigh the costs. What are your […]
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We say it all the time, the biotech sector is ever changing as FDA guidelines and patient needs evolve. As the landscape continues to shift among large biotechs and small startups, seeing that 38 of the 59 new therapies approved in 2018 came from small or emerging companies is certainly an impactful statistic! The biotech […]
We couldn’t agree more! If you’re interested in making a career move now or in early 2019, but don’t know where to begin, we’re here to help. Many job seekers take it for granted that the holidays are not the best time to be on the job market, so they suspend their job hunt until […]
Of 8,000 pharmaceutical employees surveyed, the most valued attributes of their employers included an interesting mix of characteristics; aside from culture and respect, social responsibility and leadership adaptability are now toping the list. Congratulations to all 5 companies mentioned! In a survey of more than 8,000 people in the biotech and pharma industry for Science, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, topped the list. Source: […]